Worshiping With Us
We have two different worship services on Sundays, a morning service at 10:30 AM and evening service at 6:00 PM.
For anyone unable to attend in person, worship services are streamed online. Past worship services can also be watched at any time from the live stream library.
Joining Us In Person
If you would like to worship with us in person, we would love to welcome you to our services! Our church is located at 1010 Front Street, Lynden. View in Google Maps.
Parking is available in the lot to the north of the church building, accessible from either 10th or 11th Streets. Street parking is also available along Front, Grover, and the side streets.
Our sanctuary is located in the main church building and most people enter the sanctuary by walking to the Front Street side and use the doors on the side or front the church building. When you enter, you will be greeted and offered a bulletin with our order of worship. All songs, readings, and scripture are printed in the bulletin, so make sure you grab enough bulletins for everyone in the family!
For those with disabilities, an elevator is located on the southeast corner of the church building. Our sanctuary is also equipped with an assistive listening system. Those with hearing aids can switch hearing aids to “T” to use the system.
Our church family is made up of all ages and everyone is welcome to join us at any time! You will find that many people dress casually (jeans, polos, etc.), but some prefer to dress more formally. Please feel free to dress in what you feel comfortable wearing.
Children are always welcome at our worship services. For families with young children, if you are comfortable, a nursery is available upstairs in the Education Building during the morning worship service and is staffed by volunteers from First CRC. A paging system is available for contacting parents, if they are needed during the service. Children from 3 years through 3rd grade are invited to join our Children’s Church during the morning worship service. They are invited to leave the service after 10-15 minutes and meet upstairs in the Education Building for a time of singing, then split into classes for Bible lessons until the worship service is over. Parents are always welcome to stay with their child in nursery or Children’s Church.
Following our worship services is a time of fellowship in our church basement or on the church lawn (weather permitting). We would love to have you join us! Grab and cookie and some juice or coffee and enjoy!
Worship and Sermon Style

We have a passion for solid, Biblical preaching and teaching that is relevant to our lives today.
Our worship services are a blended style, where both traditional and contemporary songs are woven throughout the service. We feel blessed to be able to praise God in a variety of ways, from organ and piano to drums, guitar, trumpet and other instruments, and from congregational singing, to praise teams, and other special ministries of music. A typical service will include a Call to Worship, God’s greeting, time of personal confession, assurance of forgiveness, time of cooperate prayer, Bible reading, a sermon, an offering and singing.
The congregation is encouraged to participate in the service through singing, responsive reading, prayer, and silent confession. You are welcome to participate at whatever level you feel comfortable.