Pay Close Attention To These Things

Passage:  1 Timothy 4:11-16

Two weeks ago on Sunday January 31 Phama and I had the blessing of worshiping at our son Reed’s church Avalon Community Church on Catalina Island. Unknown to any of us when we planned our vacation, in the glorious providence of God that was the Sunday he was elected as elder and I had the privilege of joining their pastors and elders in laying hands on him and praying for him.
That same loving providence of God is on display here today. He cares so much for the needs of our souls that in His good and sovereign providence God has sent another spiritual leader so that we are not lacking in spiritual care, in leading and guiding, in protecting and guarding.
Our confidence this morning is in the providence of God, this is His doing, this His best provision for our church at this time. Our purpose here this morning is to witness and formalize the call and ordination of Mike B.
This service is like the memorial stones in the Old Testament, a celebration of the grace and providence of God. Our vows and the laying on of hands are actions meant to serve as reminders, that whatever lies ahead, we know that God was in this and He wills for us to be faithful to our vows that His grace and goodness may abound to His eternal glory.
Our text is specifically addressed to a young pastor but it has application to every spiritual leader and to every Christian. It applies to husbands and fathers, wives and mothers, bosses and managers. This applies to everyone who cares about their Christian witness, students, co-workers. What must be true for our leaders, ought to be true for all of us. The pastor must be an example to the flock, so the flock might follow his example. So this word applies to us all. With one ear listen to what is being said to Mike and with your other ear listen to what is being said to each of us.
