Knowing the Unknown God

Passage: Acts 17:22-34

We are in Athens with Paul.  Last week we considered three things, what Paul saw in Athens, what Paul felt in Athens, and what Paul did in Athens.

This week we come to what Paul said in Athens and that lends itself nicely to three more points.

First, he tells them that God is (Acts 17:22-23).

Second, he tells them who God is (Acts 17:24-29).

Third, he tells them what God says (Acts 17:30-31).

And that is followed by three responses of the people in Athens.

We live in what is increasingly becoming a post-Christian and non-Christian culture.  There are lessons here for how we live in and relate to and speak to such a culture.

Paul is brought to the Areopagus, and he is brought in front of the Areopagus.  The Areopagus is both a place and a group of men, a public place where these men debated and deliberated.
