The Unshakable Faith of a Sheltered Life

Passage: Psalm 16

Last week we considered the theme text for Serve week from Hebrews 12 and our Unshakable Kingdom. This week we take up the text that was Friday’s Serve devotional, Psalm 16 and our Unshakable Faith.

If we say someone has led a sheltered life what are we implying? It is generally understood to be a negative comment. A person who has led a sheltered life is some one who have been pampered, had things handed to them on a silver platter. They have been protected from the harsher realities of life, from unpleasant circumstances. A person with a sheltered life is going to be naïve about the ways of the world.

I am sure most of us would not think of King David as the kind of guy who would be accused of living a sheltered life. He was as manly a man as you could find in the Bible. He killed lions and bears with his own hands, he killed Goliath, he fought battles, he led men into war. He constantly faced all kinds of danger.
Yet he finds no shame in running for shelter from the dangers of life. If you read the Psalms you get the clear idea he led a sheltered life.

Psalm 27:5 He will conceal me under the cover of his tent.
Psalm 61:4 Let me dwell in your tent forever! Let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings!
Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalm 16 is another Psalm of David where he is seeking the sheltered life. In verse one he cries out to God for help, for the providence of God to preserve and protect him. By sheltered life we mean all the things David calls it, coming under the wings of God, taking up dwelling in the tent of the Lord, abiding in the shadow of the Almighty. Being at the right hand of God where he cannot be shaken.

The Psalms teach us we all need to live sheltered lives and it’s not shameful to be dependent on Him for His divine protection in our lives. We are never without need of divine shelter. And this shelter is the source of our unshakable faith and confidence and boldness.

Let’s consider five benefits of a divinely sheltered life as we find them in Psalm 16 and how they are the reason behind a unshakable faith.
