Building an Eternal Kingdom

Passage: Acts 18:18-28

What a blessed two weekends of Serve we have had.  Around 80 members of all ages served at about 7 sites over two weekends and accomplished a huge amount of work.  I am proud of First Church and thankful for the Serve Team of Molly, Cal and Laura, Len and Steve.  I am grateful for all the labor, all the effort, all the planning and organizing.  And most importantly, all of the prayer over the last year.  God blessed the weather, the work, the right people in the right places.

When we were out at Telos Camp in Ferndale, Tim Lewis, the former missionary who runs and directs the camp spoke to us before we started our work and he told a story.

A man walked on to a construction site and asked a worker what he was doing and he said he was laying brick.  He saw another man doing the same thing and asked him what he was doing and he said he was building a wall.  There was another man doing the same thing and he asked him what he was doing and he said he was building a cathedral.  Perspective.

Tim said we were not there to pull weeds, and rake, and cut tree limbs, and split wood, and put in a window.  We were there to reach the least reached lost souls on earth with the Gospel and to build the kingdom of God.  How is that?

Tim and his wife Becky are the ones who developed the new focus in missions on Frontier people groups, the most least reached of the least reached people groups.  They are using Telos as a base for reaching these least reached groups of people in the world, representing hundreds of millions of souls who have never heard the Gospel.

Perspective changes everything.  What are we doing with our lives?  Are we laying brick or are we building a cathedral?
