The Sound of a Great Rain

Passage: 1 Kings 18:41-46

If you were to ask King Ahab what was the greatest problem in Israel he would say it was the drought and the famine that followed.  Which means Elijah was the troubler of Israel, because he is the prophet behind the lack of rain.

If you were to ask prophet Elijah what was the greatest problem in Israel he would say it was idolatry, breaking covenant with Yahweh.

The confrontation on Mt. Carmel wasn’t a climate conference, it wasn’t a rain dance, it was a confrontation with idolatry.  The great God war with Baal has been decisively won and the prophets of Baal were defeated.

Only after judgment falls on the sin of idolatry, can the issue of drought be addressed.  There must be judgment before blessing, fire before rain.  The cross before the crown.  Repentance before forgiveness.

If you ask politicians today what is the greatest problem in America you might hear Covid or the economy or climate change.  There might even be a few who would blame the church, blame Christianity, blame Christians.  I know a few prominent atheists who believe Christianity is what’s wrong with the world.

If you ask Christians what the greatest problem in America is, you might get a variety of answers.  We certainly are not unified on that point.  I have said before I believe the problem is sin, idolatry, abandoning of God, silencing of His Word, in a word godless rebellion.

For that reason I believe Covid will not go away until the underlying reason for it is dealt with.  There must be the fire of repentance before the healing of the land.
