Christmas Day: What Then Shall We Say to These Things?

Passage:  Isaiah 12:1-6

This advent we spent time in the Messianic prophecies in Isaiah 6-11.  For four weeks now we have been caught up in Isaiah’s great prophetic vision of God’s redemptive purposes in history.

Chapter 6 gave us that glorious temple vision of the Messiah and Isaiah’s heartfelt cry of repentance followed by his atonement with coals taken from the fire on the altar.

We heard the incredible promise in chapter 7 of a virgin giving birth to a child called Immanuel.  Then in chapter 9 another prophecy of a child being given and a son being born.  Finally, last week in chapter 11 we heard of a shoot coming out of the stump of Jesse bearing great fruit.

When you consider the condition of the heart of Israel, cold, hard, rebellious, resistant, and you see the righteous wrath of God, and the judgment that came through the armies of Assyria, you can’t help but be stunned by these prophetic promises of God.

Have you ever made a mess of something in your life and then by the grace of God it not only works out, but works out better than before?  Have you ever deserved nothing and then receive more than you could ever hope or imagine?
