Shed No Innocent Blood

Passage: Jeremiah 22:1-5

For 49 years since yesterday, longer than the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness of their sin and rebellion, our nation has wandered in the wicked wilderness of our sin and rebellion, evidenced by the scattered bodies of 63 million babies in the US.

A Word of Compassion and grace.

Before I begin I want to give a clear word of loving pastoral care and hope to anyone here or watching who has had an abortion or has helped someone else get an abortion.

Our God is gracious and merciful, willing to forgive us all our sins, including the sin of abortion.  Jesus did not come to earth for the righteous, but for the unrighteous, for sinners like you and me.  The blood of Jesus is more than sufficient to cover and cleanse all unrighteousness.

This is true for every one of us who is burdened or tormented by past sins.  As I speak this morning if you are feeling covered up with shame, know that just means you are not yet free and Satan still has his hooks in you.  Shame is God’s grace to move us toward His forgiveness and freedom in Christ.

Confess and repent and He will set you free, His perfect love casts out all fear and sin.  And when Satan reminds you of what you have done, remind Him of what Jesus has done for you.  There is no condemnation for those who trust in and take refuge in the Gospel of Jesus, only grace for those willing to humble themselves and receive it.
