Fear God

Passage: Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

We are talking about life under the sun.  Life here on earth that is characterized as a quickly fleeting shadow, a puff of smoke that quickly dissipates, a vaper, mist, fog.  A striving after the wind.

But our text before us doesn’t say that.  Solomon in all his wisdom doesn’t apply such language to the topic before us, the worship of God.  That is one thing under the sun that is not a striving after the wind.

When you go up to the house of God guard your steps, watch your steps, be wise and circumspect.  I like that word circumspect.  It means cautious, careful, vigilant.

Why?  Well because it is the house of God and anyone who is wise knows there is only one way to approach God.  Solomon ends our text with “God is the one you must fear.”  Fear God.

I am going to bring the ending to the beginning to help us rightly divide the truth before us.

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