Keep the King’s Command

Passage: Ecclesiastes 8:1-9

Two weeks ago we looked at Solomon’s searching out folly, now we come to his searching out wisdom.  Who is like the wise?  This is a comparative statement, “Who can compare with the wise man?”

The implication is there is no comparison, no one like the wise man.  You can be rich, good looking, smart, strong, but without wisdom it doesn’t matter.

Wisdom is the first thing, the best thing, nothing compares to it.  Pursue it, pray for it, start young and never stop.  It is worth everything you invest in it.  Wisdom makes us useful to others, a true benefit and blessing to those around us.

Verse one is a general statement regarding the wisdom of wisdom, the benefit and blessing of wisdom, the joy and peace of wisdom.

By interpretation he means one who rightly understands the times and what to do and how direct others in the right way.  By interpretation he means that person who can explain the words, ways, works of God.

Like Joseph interpreting Pharoah’s dreams.

Like Daniel interpreting the handwriting on the wall.

Wisdom changes a person, they are less anxious, more at peace, settled, slow to anger, slow to speak, courage in the face of trouble.

It makes the face shine brighter as one who has been in touch with a brighter, higher world.  Like Moses’ face when he came down from the holy mountain after meeting with God, and the face of Stephen with he saw the Lord as he was being stoned to death.

Make the book of Proverbs your close companion.  It is filled with wisdom personified as Lady Wisdom
