Your Portion in Life

Passage: Ecclesiastes 9:7-10

We have heard these words before from the lips of the preacher in Ecclesiastes, but they are always a welcome breath of fresh air because in between each of those times there has been a fair bit of handwringing over the vanity of life under the sun and the brevity of life and the swift approaching leveler of all life, when we all die and go the way of all men.

Solomon is calling us to a joyful religion, and of all religions, Christianity is the only one with true reason for joy.  Melancholy is a false statement about our God and our faith.

A gloomy Christian is an oxymoron.  The Christian in the most dire of circumstances still and always has reason for joy.  Consider for one minute who Jesus and what He has done, it is enough to dispel the darkest cloud.  Is not the Gospel good news of great joy?

A Christian who is heir to the greatest possible riches of the most glorious inheritance with God’s strength, wisdom, and favor, having a deep sense of the Father’s most undeserved love in the light his own unworthiness, has no justifiable reason to complain.

In this life under the sun, here is some real sunshine, a bright remedy in a gloomy book.  Solomon’s07-24-2022 PM Eccl. 9.7-10 Your Portion in Life
recommendation is to live more like Tigger than like Eeyore and he gives us four ways to do it.
