Plot to Kill Paul

Passage: Acts 23:12-35

Notice the timing of all of this.  When it was day the Jews made a plot, they conspired to kill Paul.  But what happened just the night before?  Jesus came and stood by Paul and told him, “Take courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you must testify also in Rome” (23:11).

Paul is told by Jesus he is going to Rome.  What do you think the influence of Jesus’ words was on Paul the next day?  This reminds me of the time Jesus told His 12 disciples, “Let’s get into a boat and go to the other side of the lake.”  Then He went to sleep, a storm came up and the disciples forgot what Jesus had said.  After he calmed the storm He said, “Where is your faith?” (Luke 8:22-25).

Luke shows us this event from the life of Paul to show how good and faithful God is and how necessary it was for Paul to have his faith and confidence renewed and strengthened, to remove all fear as Paul faced great danger.  Paul had no fear that his life was over, for he know what Jesus had said.

What Jesus does for Paul should give us some pause to consider how He comforts us and helps us in our need, and knows how to anticipate what we will need and when.  Ponder this in your heart and take it to heart.  This is a call to trust and a call to fearlessness.

What has Jesus said to you?  Are you trusting His Word, His promises?

I will never leave you or forsake you.

Don’t be anxious, I will meet your needs.

Not a hair of your head will perish.

My yoke is easy, my burden is light, I will give you rest.

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