The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth

Scripture Texts: Exodus 20:16; 23:1-3

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 43

Whatever Became of Truth

I am sure you have noticed how truth is vanishing all around us, from textbooks, from courtrooms, legislative chambers, from the media and social media.  It’s even disappearing from the places where you would still expect to find it, like the pulpits in churches all across America.

Truth is in short supply.  Our culture is all about image, hype, feelings, experience.  Everyone is bowing to the gods of political correctness, tolerance, relativism and opinion.

Today there are no ultimate realities, no absolutes.  What is real today is what I create or what I say it is.  What is true is true for me.  And how dare you suggest I am wrong.  What makes you think you are so right?  We dismiss whatever we don’t like with “well that’s you interpretation.”

Toxic social media.

This is moral relativism and it fills our schools, universities, public squares, businesses, and social media.  Our culture is agnostic when it comes to ultimate truth.  It might be willing to say there is such a thing but as soon as you start to try to define it, they push back.

Christianity stands in contradiction to the world and our current culture.  God is the God of truth, and He has broken into our world and revealed Himself to us.  He has declared the truth, written down the truth, sent His Son to preach and proclaim and live the truth in the flesh and He has sent His Spirit of Truth to lead and guide us all into the truth.

The ninth commandment collides head-on with our culture.  It’s a commandment about truth.  About telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.  All the time, everywhere, in every situation, about everyone.

The last commandment showed us God’s high regard and respect for our neighbor’s personal, private property.  This commandment places shows us God’s high regard for the truth and our neighbors honor and reputation.  We must protect both our neighbor’s property and his name.

God loves the truth.  He can only speak the truth.  God is a truth-telling, promise-keeping, covenant-making God.  His word is good.  God is a god of fairness, honesty, and integrity.

God delights to see His own character and nature reflected in the character and action of His people.  As His children we must love and highly regard the truth as He does.

As the HC says, the ninth commandment is not just for the court room.  I hope my sermon title doesn’t imply that.  Truth touches every aspect of our lives and our world.  Without truth there is no trust and without that it’s impossible to be in relationship with others.  Only by preserving truth can we preserve relationships.

In this mornings sermon on Romans 3:1-8 Paul cast a wide net calling all men liars.  The HC casts a wide net as well.  Almost every phrase catches us in its net.  Every phrase reminds me that I am a man of unclean lips, and we are all a people of unclean lips.  We are guilty as charged.

Why does bearing false witness make God’s top ten list?  Because He hates it.
