What Do You Want?


Scripture Texts: John 1:35-45

Welcome again to SERVE week.  We have been planning and preparing and praying for you for many months.

We started several months ago having prayer meetings for you.  Each of you has at least one prayer partner.  You will have an opportunity to meet some of them at lunch today.  We will continue to be praying for all of you this week and we encourage all of you to enter into daily prayer for what God wants to do in and through you and with all of us together.

SERVE Theme: What do you want?

The theme for Serve this year is “What do you want?”  It comes from John 1:38a: “Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, ‘What do you want?’”

Everyone is looking for something.  Everyone wants something.  No one is without needs and wants, desires and longings.  What do you want?  What are you looking for?

Some of those things you will be reflecting on in your morning devotions.  Worth, freedom, hope, love, acceptance, and significance.

Some of you might have your own list.  Happiness, pleasure, a good life, a girlfriend/boyfriend, good grades, a good job.

What are all these things?  How important are they?  If you had them all how good or better would your life be?  Can you have these things on their own, by themselves, or must we have something else as well?
