The Shepherd’s Angel

Scripture Texts:  Luke 2:1-20

The Christmas story begins with a decree of Caesar Augustus, the ruler of the vast Roman Empire spreading all around the Mediterranean Sea and beyond.  At this time in history Rome was at its greatest, at the height of its rule and success, and Judea was at its lowest, the most subject, now being taxed by Rome.

He was the great emperor, when he issued a decree, everyone submitted and obeyed.  If all we had of the birth story was the first seven verses, we would think this is a political headline, a political story about Emperor Augustus.

But when Luke tells the story, it is incredible how Caesar Augustus became just a bit player quickly moved to the wings of the drama,.  He only has a cameo appearance in the divine drama, and he is never heard from again in Scripture.  The only reason he is known in Scripture is he is the one God used to move Joseph and Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem.

Augustus like all kings was only a pawn on God’s chessboard.  Think about it, merely a pawn.

This is true of President Biden, President Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu, the head of Hamas, Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin.  They make their executive orders and issue their decrees, but every one of them is subject to and submitted to the sovereign decrees of God who is working all things for His glory and His redemptive purposes; for the glory of the kingdom of His Son who is King of kings and Lord of lords.

Never forget the words of Proverbs 21:1 The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.

Christmas puts Caesar in his place.  Don’t be impressed with rulers, kings, presidents, rich and famous and powerful people.  No matter who is in power, God will prevail.  Don’t be fooled, don’t make a big deal about what is not a big deal.  They are nothing compared to the Christ.

The times belong to God, the times are in God’s hands.

Let us never be anxious about events all around us.

God orders and rules all things in heaven and on earth.

Little does Caesar know that he is being used by God to lay the foundation of a new kingdom before which his kingdom and all the kingdoms of earth will bow down.

The political purpose of the decree was for a census and taxation.  God used it for spiritual purposes to fulfill what He promised in prophecy, to accomplish His plan for salvation.

Everything in this story is humble and great at the same time.

A baby has been born in Bethlehem.  So what?  Lots of babies were born in Bethlehem, before and after this.  What is the significance of this event?

Luke’s narrative of the birth of Jesus on earth takes seven verses.  Seven verses.  That’s it.  The same number of verses for Isaac, Jacob and Moses.  What if Luke had just stopped there?

This event is the greatest event that has ever taken place on earth, it’s the turning point of history, but it has no meaning unless God reveals the meaning to us.  We must be told; it requires explanation.  The announcement of the birth of Jesus Luke takes twice as many verses.  This is the most important part, pay attention to this.

What this means is all human historical events and experiences are penultimate, secondary, second to last in their significance.  There is always something more, something above them, something ultimate.  Their ultimate significance lies in the reality that transcends what we see and know here.

Don’t miss this, this world is created and ruled by God, there is always more to every story, more than just what our five senses pick up.  There is more to your story than what’s on the surface.  God is always at work working out your salvation.  Watch for it, look for it, notice the grace all around.

What those in authority say or do, what people say or do is never the last word.  God always has the last word.  Remember another Joseph who said what you meant for evil, God meant for good.


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