Education Classes
At First, continuing education and learning is important and Bible classes are offered for all ages from 3 years through adults.
Adult Classes
Adult classes are taught on Sunday mornings during the Education Hour from 9:30 – 10:15 AM. Classes are different every quarter and topics range from studying books of the Bible and other theological books, to classes on parenting and current issues, and a variety of other things. These classes are open to everyone and a nursery and Bible class is available in the Education Building for infants through second grade.
This session, the adult class will be a video/discussion series called The Apostle John, focusing on Revelation. The Apostle John is a fascinating figure with a unique writing style. Join us for this survey of Revelation, looking at the context in which he was writing and the value he offers for apologetics.
1st-12th Grade Classes
Classes for 1st through 12th grade are on Sunday mornings from 9:30 – 10:15 AM in the Education Building (1st – 8th grades) or the Loft (9th -12th grades).
1st grade – 3rd grade:
This class focuses on building relationships and community while growing in understanding of the Bible. They do this through discussing Scripture together each week, as they follow through the Bible chronologically using The Gospel Project curriculum. Through each story they learn that the
gospel message changes everything. We believe it is important for all kids to understand the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one cohesive story – God’s story of redemption.
4th grade – 5th grade:
The Gospel Project for Kids Volume 1, Creation and Covenant will be the curriculum. Join us as we study about how God created everything for His glory, how sin entered the world and God’s promises to redeem His people through His Son, Jesus Christ. Teaching time also includes discipleship, sharing, lesson-themed games, and activities.
6th grade – 8th grade:
Unlocking the Mysteries of Genesis presents evidence that confirms the Biblical account of creation and offers defensible answers to some of the most provocative and controversial questions of faith and science. This study presents evidence that supports a Biblical viewpoint and dispels pervasive and inaccurate theories from the secular world.
9th grade – 12th grade:
This class will use the video series The Genesis Story, exploring theme such as the relationship between God and man, the consequences of a rupture in that relationship, and the path towards reconciliation.

Children’s Church
Children, ages 3 years – 3rd grade, attend the first part of the worship service with their parents. Once dismissed, they are escorted to Children’s Church in the Education Building by our ministry team. Children’s Church is a time to engage in worship, gospel-centered teaching, games, and activities. Following large group time, children break out into small groups led by our ministry team and designed to apply what they have learned. The Gospel Project curriculum is designed for children to learn God’s story of redemption as we study the Bible chronologically from Genesis to Revelation.

Nursery (Infants & Toddlers)
A nursery is available upstairs in the Education Building during the 10:30 AM worship service and is staffed by volunteers from First CRC. A paging system is available for contacting parents, if they are needed during the worship service.