Mission & Service Ministries
First Christian Reformed Church is a church dedicated to living out the command to serve, follow, and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. We do that by keeping our focus on the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. First has many mission and service oriented ministries and encourages members to be the hands and feet of Christ within our church and our community.

Missions Celebration
The Missions Celebration is a special time for our congregation to get to know the missionaries and ministries we support.
The Mission Celebration weekend includes a Saturday evening dinner with presentations from mission partners and the opportunity to interact with representatives from many different organizations.
On Sunday of the the Mission Celebration weekend, the Education Hour is led by a mission partner, worship services include a presentations from missions partners, a parade of nations, a blessing to the mission partners, and a fellowship time for members of the congregation to greet and interact with missions representatives.
The Missions Celebration Weekend will be taking place again in March, 2025. For more information or to sign up to be part of the Saturday evening dinner or Sunday activities, contact the church office.

SERVE provides mission experiences for junior high and high school age students from around the United States and Canada and for students and leaders from a host church. The students go into the community to care for and restore their world in an environment where they will encounter the concepts of justice and missional living.
SERVE is a part of ThereforeGo Ministries (formerly Youth Unlimited). For more information, visit www.thereforego.com/.

Rock the Block
Rock The Block is a free outdoor neighborhood day camp for kids entering kindergarten – 5th grades. Every day kids will spend their morning playing games, listening to stories, making crafts, acting out dramas, and performing science experiments. Snacks are provided every day, however, some dietary restrictions cannot be met and children may be asked to bring their own.
After a fun 2 days of day camp have wrapped up we host a free family fun night block party this is open for all ages even if you or your kids don’t attend Rock The Block. This family fun night has carnival games, prizes, a light dinner, yummy treats, and inflatables. The whole family is invited to attend. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
For more information about Rock the Block, visit https://www.rocktheblocklynden.com/.

Helping Hands
After being challenged to make a difference, a group that enjoys sewing, knitting and crocheting started to meet. This group has grown into Helping Hands and anyone who loves to sew, knit or crochet is welcome to join! This group makes blankets, sweaters, hats, and lots of other items that are donated to those in need or going through heath crisis. Items from Helping Hands have blessed thousands all around the United States and the world.

Ministry Teams
At First, we strive to minister to all ages within our church body and in our community. In order to do this, we have numerous ministry teams, each serving a different aspect of our church or community. Our ministry teams include the following: Building, Christian Education Assistance, Education, Fellowship, Long-Range Planning, Missions, Multi-Media, Nursery, Properties, Safety, and Worship Planning.