Did God Say … ? Satan’s Attack on Sex

Passage: Hebrews 13:4

This morning I want to honor marriage and the marriage bed and I want to urge all of us to do the same.  Our text says marriage and sex must be held in honor by all, not just those who are married, not just those who want to be married.  By all, by teenagers, by singles, by those divorced or widowed, by men and women, by young and old.

Our world is drowning in sexual sin.  This is more important now than ever in a culture where the marriage bed is defiled among all.  All of us need to learn how to hold in honor marriage and sex.

Marriage and sex are part of God’s good creation.  It was His idea, He invented it to be good and beautiful and wonderful.  God created us with bodies and He created us male and female, as sexual beings.  He called it good and He has told us how to keep it good.
