Elijah Under a Broom Tree

Passage: 1 Kings 19:1-18

Let’s remember where we are.  The people of God are divided into a northern kingdom and a southern kingdom.  The southern kingdom is Judah, 2 tribes, with Jerusalem as their center, their kings are all in the line of David.  The northern kingdom is larger, 10 tribes, centered in Samaria.

Their current king is Ahab, about whom Scripture says he did more evil than all the kings before him.  He set a new standard, a new high in lows.

One of the worst things he did was marry Jezebel, the daughter of the Baal worshiping king of Sidon.  She lead Israel into full blown Baal worship.  She killed the prophets and priests of Yahweh and anyone who worshiped the one true God.

Elijah took on the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel and God delivered a resounding, fiery defeat, killing 450 prophets of Baal.

What does Ahab tell Jezebel in I Kings 19:1?  What does Ahab leave out in what he tells Jezebel?  Ahab tells her what Elijah did, instead of what the God of Israel did.  Perhaps by design he paints a picture of everything being Elijah’s fault, the defeat of Baal, the slaughter of the prophets of Baal.  No fear of the Lord, no mention of the God of Israel.

Notice, the very thing that should convince and convict her and cause her to tremble and fear the Lord, that very thing, only enrages her all the more.  The hard in heart will refuse to believe even the most convincing truth.  This is what happens when you try to explain reality without God.
