Falling a Asleep in Church

Passage: Acts 20:1-12

We have before us the tale of two bad trips, Paul’s attempt to go to Jerusalem interrupted by an assassination plot, and Eutychus’ bad trip from a third floor window.

Acts 20:1-6, Road Trip to Troas.

Paul’s life was an unending series of trials, troubles, suffering, hardship.  It seems all his journeys were marked by difficulty.

After three years in Ephesus, by far the longest Paul spent in any one city, he determined it was time to move on and strengthen and encourage the disciples in other young churches.

Leaving Ephesus Paul heads northwest back to Macedonia, through Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, to Corinth.  From Corinth he intends to sail straight east back to Syria so he can get to Jerusalem in time for Pentecost.  He booked a direct flight to Syria.

But his plans get messed up.  God in His providence uncovers a plot to kill Paul, so instead he retraces his steps walking over 300 miles back north to Berea, Thessalonica, and east to Philippi where he then sails five days back over the Asia (Turkey) to Troas.  A nice 10 day Mediterranean cruise to Syria becomes months of walking and sailing.
