Filled With the Knowledge of God’s Will

Passage: Colossians 1:9-14

When you pray for someone else, what do you usually pray for?  When you ask someone to pray for you, what do you usually ask them to pray for?

It is safe to say 80-90% of our prayers are for good health, recovery from sickness, for the needs of our children, for a good interview or meeting, for help with a test at school, for favor with an application, for machines to work right, safety on a trip, for a spouse, for children, for material things.  Our prayers are earth bound, material or physical in nature.

How many of our prayers sound anything like Paul’s prayers?  How many of our prayers reach for the heights or dive to the depths for spiritual wisdom, knowledge, maturity, discernment?

Try to imagine if someone you know told you they were praying for you and then told you they were praying these words we just read.  Put yourself in the sandals of the Christians in the church in Colossae and you just heard what the Apostle Paul was praying for you?

Would we like our prayers to line up with God’s desires?  Do you ever find yourself wanting to pray for others but feeling stuck, like you don’t know what to ask?
