Introduction to the Ten Commandments, Part II

Passage: Exodus 32:15-16; Matthew 22:36-40

Why Commandments?

When we are talking about the Ten Commandments, the question comes to mind why do we need commandments at all?

The law reveals the character of our righteous God, what He is like, what He cares about.  We see a reflection of God’s nature and attributes in His commands.  He is just, holy, pure, righteous, jealous, true, fair, trustworthy, honest, perfect, full of integrity.

The law also reveals what God loves and what He hates, and in doing this it reveals our sinfulness and shortcomings because we always fall far short of keeping His righteous commands.  In this way the law reveals our great need for grace.

The law reveals God is a God of love who loves us and cares about us and wants the very best for us.  He loves us and has created us for relationship with Himself and with each other.  These laws show His children, believers, how to love God and how to love each other.

The commandments are the path showing us how to love and live the way we were created to.

Why Ten Commandments?

In the beginning there was only one commandment, “Do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”  But after the fall, there are many laws which can be summed up in 10 laws.

Ten is not a special or magic number, it has no special meaning in and of itself.  God didn’t like this number more than any other number.

All we owe to God and all we owe to our neighbor are able to be contained in ten, there is nothing else omitted and nothing is superfluous or redundant.

They are profoundly simple.  Their brevity is staggering.  Their wisdom is brilliant.  Within these ten statements lies a mountain of wisdom for every decision, every challenge, every temptation we will face in life.  When taken to heart, our hearts will know how to love God and others.

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