Only One True God

Heidelberg Catechism: Lord’s Day 34, Q94, 95.

Scripture Texts: Exodus 20:1-3;

Remember two weeks ago using six gold coins I said each commandment has two sides, each commandment includes prescriptions and prohibitions, things to be done and things not to be done, virtues and vices, the yes and the no.  Grace is always both positive and negative.  Repent and believe.

What are the two sides of the first commandment?  “Not only shall you have no other gods before me, but you shall also know me as your God.”  No other gods, know me as God.

We do not have God as God until we know Him.  We cannot have God as our God until we know Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, for no one can come to the Father except through the perfect obedience, perfect righteousness, shed blood of Jesus.  On the cross Jesus defeated and destroyed all gods and all idols.  To know God and to know Jesus is to turn from all idols.

Know God.

God has made Himself known in creation/nature, in Scripture and in His Son.  He is an inescapable reality.  We are created to know Him.  We are without excuse.

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