Paul’s Exhortation in Ephesus, II

Passage: Acts 20:28-38

This morning we return to the second half of Paul’s last words to the Ephesian elders.  He turned from being an example to bringing an exhortation or admonition.  On the basis of his example having lived among them for three years Paul has authority to charge them or urge them to do certain things.

He gives a two-fold charge followed by a three-fold reason for the charge.  The two-fold charge was to pay close attention to your own life and doctrine and to pay close attention to the flock.

The three-fold reason for the charge was first, the Holy Spirit has called you and made you overseers of the flock.  You are not just elected, you are called by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Second, the church of Jesus Christ is bought by His precious blood.  The Church is not just another club or group or association or institution, it is not for this life only.  The body you have been called and set apart to serve is no less than the eternal fellowship of believers which has been bought and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus Christ.  You are watching over eternal souls.

This morning we now take up the third reason why Paul urges these elders and indeed all leaders and all those who have responsibility over others, to pay close and careful attention to themselves and to those why have care for and charge over.  Remember I cast the net far enough to include husbands and fathers, wives and mothers, grandparents, leaders, teachers, all those who have responsibility for and influence in the lives of others.
