Prayer Service – Supernatural Faith

Scripture Texts: Acts 1:12-14; Acts 1:21-26

I want to reflect with you a bit on the supernatural.  What is supernatural?  When you think of something as supernatural, what do you think of?

Ghosts, angels, demons, UFOs, things out there in the universe, something that defies the laws of science or nature.

Actually, we should limit the word supernatural to God alone.  Everything else belongs to creation.  While angels and demons are spiritual and spirits, they are not supernatural like God.

But usually when we think of something as supernatural we are referring to those phenomena that operate in a manner inconsistent with or outside of what can be observed, measured or explained in natural or scientific ways.

This is the difference between believing we live in a closed universe of observable nature, or in an open universe, where there are realities that are beyond what we can see and observe, things that transcend the laws of nature.

The Christian faith is a supernatural faith.  It is based on supernatural realities.

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