The Lord’s Will Be Done

Passage: Acts 21:1-16

My brother and his wife left yesterday from Seattle for a 10 day road trip down through some national parks in Utah on to the Grand Canyon then back up through California visiting two of our aunts and finishing up with the Redwoods and Crater Lake.

He has created some sort of spread sheet with every day on it, the hotels, sights to see, down to the best gas stops chosen by Gas Buddy.  I appreciate attention to detail as much as anyone, but somehow this seems a bit over the top to me.

I wonder if Luke was of a similar bent.  We have before us Luke’s travel diary as he journeys with Paul and he includes some small details that seem unnecessary.  It raises some questions.

What is the point of details like this taking up space in the Bible?  Why is this sort of thing divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit?
