The Sanctity of Old Age, Growing Old to the Glory of God

Passage: Psalm 71, 90, 92; Isaiah 46:4; II Corinthians 4:16-18

Today is called Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.  In fact, it was 50 years ago today that the fateful Roe v. Wade decision was handed down by the Supreme Court making abortion legal in the US.  That decision was overturned last summer, but we know it is now a state by state decision and still very accessible.  And even more so with the increased use of abortion pills.

I have often preached on the issue on this Sunday, on how precious and significant and valuable life is, how babies are created in the image of God.  This morning I want to focus on the other end of the continuum of life, on how every elderly person is still the image of God and is significant, valuable, to be honored and protected.

Scripture repeatedly calls us to honor old age and the aged, I want us to do that this morning.