The Vanity of Wisdom

Passage: Ecclesiastes 1:12-18

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 were a poetic prologue, an introduction.  His poetic evaluation of all human endeavors was that they are “hebel,” vapor, fleeting, futile, vanity.  Mankind can’t save himself or gain any real advantage in this world for the next.

Now in Eccl. 1:12-18 Solomon rolls up his sleeves and get to work.  He begins by showing us the path he followed to come to the conclusions he came to.  He shifts from poetry to proses.  He shifts from third person to first person.  “Come with me,” he says, “and I will show you what I did, what path I followed to try to find the benefit, advantage, profit of all our labors and efforts under the sun.”

He begins by telling us why we should listen to him and trust what he says.  He gives us his credentials, and they are truly impressive.  He is an expert who is speaking from real experience.

He is the king, he holds the highest rank.  He has unlimited authority, power, time, resources, wealth and wisdom.  All things are at his fingertips and disposal.  If the answer can be found there is no one better suited or situated to find it.

He is king of Israel, not some backwater nation, not some idolatrous, heathen land, but the people of God, the only nation on earth with the true knowledge of God and the righteous standard in the Law.  For 40 years Israel dominated the world and there was peace.

He is the king in Jerusalem, the city of God, the city in which the glory of God dwells.

He says (vs. 16) he has surpassed all who have gone before him in experience and knowledge, which is really saying something when you remember who went before him, his father David, a great king with a great heart and love for God.

Is this boasting or is it true?  Scripture answers that for us:

The stories of Solomon and his wisdom are well known.  When he became king, God appeared to him and said, “Ask what shall I give to you?” (I Kings 3:5).

Talk about your genie in a bottle kind of question.  Ask from me whatever you want and I will grant it to you.
