When Controversy Comes to Church

Passage: Acts 15:1-19

Our country is cracking. A house divided cannot stand. Just in the past year we have been confronted with three major, contentious, dividing issues: racial tensions, Covid restrictions, and a presidential election. Three huge battles waged in our country in just the past year. And the battles haven’t stayed out there in the country, they have come into our community, into our church and even our homes. God in His perfect providence has visited these things on our nation, and He wants us to live in these time with faith, wisdom, humility and grace, not faithlessness, doubt, fear, and anxiety. Christians are just as divided as non-Christians. We need the Gospel now more than ever. Our only hope is found in Jesus Christ. Our divisions can’t be healed by politicians or violence. This is nothing new or strange. Controversy, strife, division and tension have followed the church of Jesus all through history. Let’s consider this great moment in church history and see what lessons there are here for us.
