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This library contains an archive of our past sermons. Just click on each post to read more of the sermon summary, listen to the sermon audio, or download the sermon notes.
One Said Thank You
Passage: Luke 17:11-19 I feel I can relate to the plight of these ten lepers more now than ever before. In our house we have felt like we need to walk around saying unclean, unclean. Keep your social distance. In fact many of us can sympathize with this text in new ways. We will look […]
Zacchaeus Out on a Limb
Passage: Luke 19:1-10 What an interesting week? We never know what a day will hold do we? I was observing this with the men Thursday night in our Men’s Study on Job. We never know what a day may hold. Job woke up the greatest man of the east, a righteous man and fabulously wealthy, […]
Paul Persecuted But Not Forsaken
Passage: Acts 14:9-28 You will recall from last week Paul and Barnabas were barely able to keep the people of Lystra from sacrificing to them as gods. Don’t miss the irony here. They are stoning their gods. It was with great difficulty that Paul and Barnabas restrained the people from making sacrifices to them as […]
Apostles Vilified and Deified
Passage: Acts 14:1-18 What is the hardest thing you have to do? What is your biggest challenge week in and week out? What presents you with the most daunting obstacles? Is it seeking to be a faithful disciple of Jesus, or resisting some sin or temptation, or loving someone hard to love, or striving for […]