Youth Ministries

TRIBE (High School)
Come find your TRIBE! All students in 9th-12th grade are welcome at youth group!
- When: 7:30-9:00 pm Wednesdays (every week during the school year)
- Where: The Loft
For more information about Tribe, contact the church office at 360-354-4560 or
Each year the senior high youth group leaders undertake the daunting task of helping our high school age young people learn more about being a disciple of Jesus Christ. This begins with a kickoff event in September and continues every Wednesday through May. Small groups, Bible studies, and service projects help our young people understand the personal discipline required to be a follower of Jesus Christ. In addition, weekend retreats and fun nights encourage social interaction. This all contributes to an understanding of who each person is in fellowship with one another and most importantly who each person is as defined in Jesus Christ

Forged@First (7th-8th Grade)
Forged@First is a place for 7th-8th grade students to hang out, have fun, and grow in their spiritual walk.
- When: 7:00-8:30 pm Mondays (every other week during the school year)
- Where: The Loft
- “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
For more information about Forged@First, contact the church office at 360-354-4560 or
Before they become high schoolers, they must traverse junior high. This is a time of challenge and excitement. Junior high students present a special challenge. Our junior high program is tailored to address the special challenges of young people this age. High energy and high excitement combined with solid biblical teaching all specially tailored for our kids provides the basis for youth ministry that should challenge every young person.

GLOW (2nd-6th Grade Girls)
- When: 6:30-8:00 pm Wednesdays (every other week, during the school year)
- Where: Education Building
For more information about GLOW, contact the church office at 360-354-4560 or
GLOW (Girls Living Out the Word) is a ministry to girls in the 2nd-6th grade, led by women from First CRC. At GLOW the girls to lessons, sing, play games, do crafts, and spend time in fellowship with each other and their counselors.
This year the girls will be using the curriculum of “My God Say” Life Journal. This study helps kids identify their feelings and counsel those feelings with truth. Like David in the book of Psalms, we are going to have feelings! Kids just need to learn how to meet those feelings with truth instead of the lies our culture feeds them.

CADETS (1st-8th Grade Boys)
- When: 7:00-8:30 pm Mondays (every other week, during the school year)
- Where: Church Basement
For more information about Cadets, contact the church office at 360-354-4560 or
Cadets is a ministry that helps boys become more Christlike in all areas of life. Boys in first through eighth grade are welcomed into a community of mentors and peers. Each meeting includes assembling with the entire club for the landmarks, breaking up into small groups (called “cadres”) for Bible study and working on badges, and a time of games or other physical activity.