Without Excuse

Scripture Texts: Romans 1:18-23

I have a distinct memory from high school back in Wichita, KS.  I was a relative new Christian, at a gathering of high school friends, standing in a driveway.  A girl was pressing me with questions about Christianity.  “If Christianity is the only way then what about those innocent people in Africa who have never heard.”

Never mind that the great dark continent of Africa is one of the most Christian continents, it’s the favorite go to place for picking on Christians and suppressing the truth.  It’s one of most common objections, and usually not a sincere question, more of a smokescreen, a dodge to avoid thinking about their own soul’s relationship to God.

I fumbled along as best as my young faith could, trying to defend God and His honor and integrity.  I wish I had just known my Bible better and especially Romans 1.  I could have explained the revelation of God to our world and the rebellious rejection of God by the world.

That’s the outline of our text.  Revelation and rejection, proclamation and response.

Having talked about the revelation of God’s wrath last week the rest of our text this morning answers why God pours out His wrath in two parts, the revelation of Himself and the response to that revelation which is suppression and rejection.

Revelation.  What can be known about God?

Notice how clearly Paul states five things about God’s revelation.
