You Will Be Saved
Scripture Texts: Romans 10:5-13
In chapters nine and ten of Paul’s letter to the Christians in the church in Rome, he is talking about salvation. He presents it as a coin with two sides. One coin, two sides.
In chapter nine Paul focused on God’s sovereignty over our salvation. God is God and God choses according to the pleasure of His own will. Chapter nine can be summed up in verse 18: “He has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.”
In chapter ten Paul turns the coin over and focuses on man’s role in his salvation and his responsibility to believe in God. Chapter ten can be summed up in verse 13: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Some try to say this is a contradiction. But it is not, it is a paradox. A paradox is something that on the surface appears to be a contradiction, but in reality it is not. The reason it seems like a contradiction is because of our limited human understanding and perspective.
I can give you several examples of seemingly contradictory truths that we hold together as two sides of the same coin.
The nature of God as Trinity. God is both one and three. One God in three persons. How? That is the mystery, but we know both are true. It is to be believed even if we can’t fully understand it.
The nature of Jesus. Jesus is both fully God and fully man. How? Another mystery, but Scripture teaches both and holds both equally together as true.
The nature of the Bible. The Bible is both fully divine and fully human. God breathed through human authors.
The nature of salvation. God is sovereign over all things, and we are free moral agents who are responsible for our choices and decisions. Israel failed not because God failed, but because they failed to put their faith in Jesus.