The Righteousness of God

Passage: Romans 3:21-26

I have been praying over and over for you this year that God would fill you with a knowledge of His will and give you an increase in the knowledge of Him.  It just struck me yesterday how our study of Romans is a huge way that prayer can be answered.  This book is about God, it is saturated with God.  It reveals the glory of God and the glory of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sink your teeth into this, work to get more out of it than just Sunday mornings.  Give yourself to the Word of God and God will bless you.  We will speak directly to that this evening.

If Romans is the most important book in the Bible, this paragraph may well be the most important verses in all the Bible.

Martin Luther called this text the center of the entire Bible, the epicenter, the most importance part of the most important book.  It is filled with the deepest and most profound truths, the most life-changing, the most life-saving.

Remember my offer at the beginning of this series to give $100 to anyone who memorizes the book of Romans.  A member has offered to match my offer, so now there are $200 to anyone who memorizes the entire book of Romans.  It’s a little over 7,000 words, about 15 pages.

If you don’t memorize Romans, memorize this paragraph and build your life on these 130 words.

Paul now turns his attention to what he said in 1:16-17.

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