Abounding Grace

Passage: Romans 5:18-21

This morning we turn to the final verses of Romans 5.  After today I am going to push the pause button and take a break from Romans for a while.  As has been my practice for all my years of preaching, I will do a series of sermons for Advent.

Then as has also been my practice I will do a series of topical sermons for the new year.  That will lead us up to Lent for which I am pondering a couple of ideas.  So, Lord willing we will resume Romans after Easter which is early next year, March 31.

Our text this morning is a summary kind of passage in which Paul resumes and then concludes a thought he started in verse 12, but then interrupted himself with a digression which led to some other thoughts.

Paul repeats himself here in vss. 18-19.  He started this point in vs. 12, with a therefore, and he comes back to the same point here again in vs. 18 with another therefore.

I have said before that the way God emphasizes things in His Scripture is with repetition.  We use bold, italics, underline, all caps, God uses repetition.  His book isn’t that big, so if He uses up space to repeat something, it must be worthy of extra attention.


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