Walk Through the Bible: Deuteronomy

Passage: Deuternonomy 6:4-9; 10:12-20

As we move through the Bible one book at a time, one tree at a time in this forest of 66 trees, it is good to remind ourselves what we are reading.  Scripture is one narrative, inspired by God and told in many parts.  Old and New Testaments must, therefore, be studied together.

The Bible is one unified story, one unified revelation with one central message, about what our triune Creator-covenant God planned in eternity, executed in time, to glorify Himself by bringing about the redemption of His people, the judgment of sin, and making all things new in Christ Jesus.

It’s good to remind ourselves this is the God-breathed Word of God given to us by God for our eternal benefit.  It is all important.  It is important to remind ourselves of this because when we get to books like Deuteronomy we are tempted to start to wonder.