Walk Through the Bible: My Servants the Prophets
Text for Sermon: Deuteronomy 18:15-22; Jeremiah 7:25; Hebrews 1:1-2
Before I started preaching the five wisdom books I did a general introductory sermon on wisdom literature in the Bible. It seemed good to me to do a general introductory sermon on the prophets before launching into the last 17 prophetic books in the OT.
But the real challenge for all of you is to remember what I say tonight because we won’t take up the book of Isaiah until May. We have a lot of special services between now and then.
The Prophetic Books.
The OT is sometimes referred to in its entirety as the Law and the Prophets. When it is said that way it is distinguishing between the Pentateuch, the first five books of Moses, and then all the rest of the books.
We can break down those books into subsets.
First, there are the Former Prophets, meaning Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings. They include the history of Israel, as written from a prophetic perspective most likely by prophets. They are sometimes referred to as oral prophets because they didn’t leave any records of their utterances.
Oral prophets like Nathan, Ahijah, Iddo, Jehu, Elijah and Elisha.
Then comes the seventeen books we come to now in our journey along the Biblical Route 66. These are referred to as the Latter Prophets or the writing prophets.
And this subset can be further divided into the Major Prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. And the Minor Prophets, the twelve shorter books at the end of our English OT. Those twelve got grouped because they could all fit on one papyrus scroll.
They are not minor because they are of lessor importance, they are not, they are prophets equal in importance to the major prophets. They are minor because their books are shorter.
The latter prophets make up over 25% of the OT, yet they are often neglected. They are long, they seem less relevant. This is the least read and least understood section of the Bible.
All of the “writing prophets,” that is, prophets who have left books in their names (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, and the rest), lived during the time of the divided kingdom, from roughly 800 B.C. – 450 B.C.
The books of II Kings, Ezra, and Nehemiah, give us the historical context for these prophets. These historical books recount the events leading up to the exile, the exile itself, and the early stages of restoration after the exile. You could say they lived and prophesied and wrote during the time of the death and resurrection of Israel.
Their messages came in many forms: dreams, poetry, sermons, and even elaborate apocalyptic visions like in Ezekiel and Zechariah.
They are usually in poetic form with all the characteristics of Hebrew poetry, filled with figurative language, striking imagery, and parallelism.