That You May Bear Fruits for God

Passage: Galatians 5:22-25; Romans 7:4

If you are a normal human being, at some point during the course of your life, however long or short that life may be, you have given some thought to that great existential question, does the fact of my existence on earth actually make any difference.  Of course, you didn’t know it was an existential question, you are not even sure you can spell existential let alone define it.

Existential questions are questions that have to do with existence, with the meaning, purpose, and value of our human existence.  There are over seven billion people wandering around on the planet earth right now, does my individual life really make any difference at all?

Are we like so many ants, scurrying around, living our lives doing our little human things, only to die and be no more and not matter any more whether we lived or not.

Do our lives matter?  What impact will my life or your life have beyond our family and small circle of friends?  Probably no one will write our biography, no one outside of Washington or Minnesota or British Columbia will ever know about us, and certainly not remember us two hundred years from now.  None of us will end up in any history books to be read in school a century from now.
