Therefore Now No Condemnation

Scripture Texts: Romans 8:1-4

Remember when I said Romans 7 was one of the hardest chapters in the Bible to understand.  Romans 8 is declared by many to be the greatest chapter in the Bible.

Martin Lloyd-Jones said Romans is the greatest book in the Bible and chapter 8 is the greatest chapter in the greatest book.  He preached 77 sermons on this chapter alone.

Charles Spurgeon called it a banquet for the souls of God’s hungry saints, the very cream of the cream of Holy Scripture.

If you can’t memorize the whole book of Romans, consider memorizing Romans 8.  It will be time well spent.  Romans 8 contains some of the most beloved verses of comfort to believers in all ages and of all ages.

It is one of the most glorious chapters in the Bible as it unfolds God’s entire plan of salvation from justification to adoption, to God’s good sovereign providence to glorification, all grounded in God’s love from which nothing can separate us.
