Apostles Vilified and Deified

Passage: Acts 14:1-18

What is the hardest thing you have to do? What is your biggest challenge week in and week out? What presents you with the most daunting obstacles? Is it seeking to be a faithful disciple of Jesus, or resisting some sin or temptation, or loving someone hard to love, or striving for a Christ-centered marriage, or raising godly children in the home, or doing your work with integrity, or serving others, or engaging the culture in a war for morality and truth, or taking the Gospel to the lost? The most serious challenges we face in life are never just one skirmish or one battle, it’s continual warfare. To quote my favorite motto: “It is a sore fight to the end, laddie, a sore fight to the end.” It is a hard fought battle and it is to the death.
