God Gave Them Up II

Passage: Romans 1:24-32

In the first chapter of this great book of Romans Paul is carefully leading us to understand the Gospel he is eager to preach in Rome, the Gospel he is not ashamed of because it is the power of God for salvation to all who believe in Jesus.

But why do we need salvation?  What are we in danger of that we need to be saved from?  What cliff are we on the edge of, what ocean are we drowning in, what deadly disease has taken hold of our souls?

Its our sin of ungodliness in turning the truth about God into a lie, and our sin of unrighteousness  exchanging the glory of God for idolatry, worshipping corruptible, immoral images in creation.

Against all of this the wrath of God has been and is being revealed from heaven.  When we think about God’s wrath we generally have several misconceptions about it.
