Joseph’s Angel

Scripture Texts: Matthew 1:18-25

Joseph’s discovery and dilemma, vss. 18-19.

We need to begin by understanding the Jewish practice of betrothal.  It is almost nothing like our western idea of engagement.

An engagement is a social agreement between a man and a woman with no legal ramifications, it can be broken off at will by either party.  None of that is true in a betrothal.

A betrothal is not the first step toward marriage, it is the first step of marriage.  It is a legally binding covenant, they are pledged to be husband and wife.  Notice in the text Joseph and Mary are referred to as husband and wife.  They have made vows, paid the dowry, and all that remains is for them to have one more formal ritual, and then the husband takes her from her home to his.  The reason for the interim period may be for her to come of age, or for him to secure a home or job.

One thing is clear, during this time there is no sexual intimacy between them and if either has sexual intimacy with someone else it is marital infidelity and falls under the judgment of God’s law for adultery.  It is during this time Mary is found to be pregnant.

This helps us understand the magnitude of the betrayal and crisis this creates for Joseph.

We cannot even begin to enter into the mind of this good and righteous man, Joseph.  He loves Mary, they are both godly, pure, God-fearing and they love each other.

Then Mary breaks the news that rocks his world.  How could he have misunderstood her character so much, how could he have been so deceived?  Everything in him refuses to believe this is possible, but it can’t be denied.

What a cauldron of emotions, disbelief, anger, rage, jealously, self-doubt, grief, vengeance.

Then add to this Mary’s complete unwavering denial of any sin, her complete lack of repentance, guilt, shame, tears of remorse.  And if that isn’t enough, Mary makes the most unbelievable, outrageous claim, God has made her pregnant with the Messiah, the son of David.

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