Silencing the Accuser

Passage: Revelation 12:9-11; Romans 8:31-34

Have you ever had a conversation with a doctor that started with the question, “Doctor, how bad is it, how serious is my condition?  Give it to me straight.”

It is a mark of wisdom to want to know the truth, to deal with reality, to not have our head in the sand or believe ignorance is bliss.

The seriousness of our condition will be based on several factors.  What is the problem, how far has it progressed, what are the treatments, and what’s the prognosis of the treatments.  With cancer we know of measurements like stage 1 or stage 4.

What would you say is the seriousness of our human condition spiritually, how bad is it?  Are we aware we are in a battle for our life of epic proportions?  How can we tell?

There are four ways we can measure it.  One, by the level of damage and destruction we see from the battle, second, by the adversaries involved in the battle, third how long the battle has been going on, and fourth, from the how serious the remedy that is needed.
