Stewardship of God’s Gift of Marriage: Catching the Littles Foxes of Mariiage

Passage: Song of Solomon 2:13-15

My theme for these first three months of sermons is the stewardship of God’s good gifts to us.  He has given us many gifts of His grace to enjoy but the world, our flesh and the devil are waging war on God’s good gifts to get us to misuse or abuse or neglect them and I want us to be equipped to fight back.

We have considered God’s gift of retirement and how to use the end of life to finish well, in a manner pleasing to Him.  We considered God’s gift of children and how much He loves His children and calls for a cheerful response of love and obedience and how we train our children to do that.

This week we will consider God’s gift of marriage and ways to protect our marriages from the enemy’s assaults.

Let me quickly add everything I say this morning about marriage actually applies to all of our relationships, especially those relationships that are most important to us, whether family or friends.  And most of what I have to say even applies to protecting the most important relationship of all, our relationship with Jesus Christ.  So for those who are not married, please translate what I say into those relationships that are important to you and vulnerable to the enemy or the world’s attack.