Stewardship of God’s Gift of Sex: Protecting Sexual Purity

Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8; Hebrews 13:4

If ever there was a time when I feel like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke, it is when I preach on sexual immorality in our culture.  How can I hold back the tsunami of sexual immorality that floods our culture, our community, our homes and our hearts?

How do I proclaim God’s truth in a way that both warns us and inspires us to follow God’s path for righteousness, purity and holiness?  My heart is burdened by the lack of love for God and His good and perfect wisdom and will, and the lack of a true fear of the Lord and a hatred of sin.

I am grieved by what our culture is spewing out and how it is sexualizing our youth at a younger and younger age.  The world, the flesh and the devil, the great trinity of evil, are promoting lies and utter blasphemy in the name of freedom and license and liberty.  Satan is waging an all-out assault on all things good, true and beautiful, on what is pure and holy.

All the influencers in our culture are accomplices in this destruction, all the social elites, our government, Hollywood and celebrities and song writers, the media, and the academic community, educators.  All of us to one degree or another are caught up in it or going along with it, or at an utter loss what to do about it.

We need to return from the path of sexual suicide to God’s path of sexual purity and holiness.  Our text is a call to us all to seek God’s will rather than the world’s ways, to follow the way of life rather than the way that leads to death.