The God Who Makes Promises

Passage: Romans 4:17-25

So far in chapter four of Romans Paul has used the life and faith of Abraham to prove to the Jews Abraham was not justified by works but by faith (4:1-8), Abraham was not justified by circumcision but by faith (4:9-12), and Abraham was not justified by the law but by faith (4:13-17).

The Jews thought because they were chosen by God they were superior to all other races and nations.  By their laws and rituals they had favor with God, they were saved by race not by faith.

This is why Abraham is such a big deal, the hero and founder of their faith believed God, he lived by faith and his faith was credited to him as righteousness by grace, before works, before circumcision, before the law.  Paul turns now to focus on this faith and the nature of it.

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