Latest Sermons
This library contains an archive of our past sermons. Just click on each post to read more of the sermon summary, listen to the sermon audio, or download the sermon notes.
Here I Am Lord, Send Me!
Text for Sermon: Isaiah 6:1-9 Listen & Download Audio Series: Missions Preacher: Bill Richardson
The Ambassadors’ Song
Scripture Texts: II Corinthians 5:18 – 6:13 Listen & Download Audio Series: Missions Preacher: Phil Stevenson
If God Is For Us
Scripture Texts: Romans 9:30 – 10:4 Introduction. Until now in Romans 9 the Apostle Paul has been addressing the Jew/Gentile issue from the perspective of heaven, from the divine point of view. He has talked about God’s choosing, about God’s election from before the foundation of the world, about God’s plan and purposeful decision to […]
Walk Through the Bible: Song of Songs
Text for Sermon: Song of Songs 1:1-45; 2:10-11; 7:10; 8:6-7 Introduction. All Scripture is inspired by God and all Scripture is profitable for instruction and training in righteousness, for training in wisdom and in the knowledge and love of God. Song of Songs is wisdom literature, the fifth and final book of wisdom for how […]
Sons of the Living God
Scripture Texts: Romans 9:24-29 We have been working our way through this challenging chapter nine in Paul’s letter to the Christians in the church in Rome, a racially and ethnically mixed congregation of Jews and Gentiles. If we could get ourselves into the minds of those Christians we would find this chapter a scandal to […]
Walk Through the Bible: Ecclesiastes
Text for Sermon: Ecclesiastes 1:1-3; 2:11, 24-26; 12:13-14 The five wisdom books of the OT are all unique in their own way. They are all so different from each other and from all the rest of the books of the Bible. Last week I called Proverbs weird. Well, this week Ecclesiastes is strange. It has confounded […]