Latest Sermons
This library contains an archive of our past sermons. Just click on each post to read more of the sermon summary, listen to the sermon audio, or download the sermon notes.
There Were Shepherds
Scripture Texts: Luke2:8-14 This morning we come to a third text taken from Handel’s Messiah. I have discovered I am not the only one to preach texts from the Messiah. Pastor John Newton, who wrote Amazing Grace, once preached 50 sermons on the whole Messiah. I will limit myself to just one more on Christmas […]
The People That Walked in Darkness
Scripture Texts: Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 Can you imagine living in a world where there were no contrasts, no extremes, no differences? A world in which there was no right and wrong, no good and evil, no sour and sweet, no hot and cold, winter and summer, no light and darkness. We probably don’t give it […]
Comfort, Comfort, Ye My People
Scripture Texts: Isaiah 40:1-5; Luke 3:3-8; II Corinthians 1:3-7 It is the season of advent and Christmas with all of its sights, sounds, tastes and smells and memories. For one month of the year, we get to sing and listen to many of our favorite hymns and songs. One of the best parts of our annual […]
Walk Through the Bible: Esther
Text for Sermon: Esther 1:1-3, 11-12, 19; 2:15-17;4:13-16; 7:3-6, 10 Everyone loves a good story, and Esther is an exceptionally great story. It is great literature. It has all the ingredients a great story needs. We have a pronounced conflict between good and evil, we have a brave, beautiful heroine, some carousing at the royal […]
Who Shall Separate Us
Scripture Texts: Romans 8:35-39 Prayer: Holy Father, by your power and grace help us to hear and understand and embrace your Word, that it will be fruitfully applied so we may grow in grace and truth. In Jesus name, Amen. Introduction. We started out calling Romans 8 the greatest chapter in the greatest letter in […]
Thinking About Thanking
Text for the Sermon: Psalm 77:11-15 Prayer: Holy Father, feed us from the feast of your Word, before we go to feast from the bounty of your blessings. Increase in us our capacity to receive spiritual food and drink. Enlighten the eyes of our hearts, make us to be a most thankful people for your […]