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This library contains an archive of our past sermons. Just click on each post to read more of the sermon summary, listen to the sermon audio, or download the sermon notes.
Walk Through the Bible: Psalms II
Text for Sermon: Psalm 1:1-2; 16:11; 19:1-2; 27:1; 29:1; 95:1-3 Thirty-five years ago Stephen Covey wrote a massively popular bestseller, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People in which he challenged people from mediocrity to self-improvement. How many people really want to live a shallow, superficial, hollow kind of life? Do you desire superficial, or spiritual? […]
Lead the Way, Set an Example
Scripture Texts: I Timothy 4:12, 15-16 I want to talk to you about your theme verse for Cadets this year. You have been talking about leading the way by setting a good example and in I Timothy 4 the Apostle Paul tells us how we can do that. The Apostle Paul wrote this letter to […]
Jacob I Loved
Scripture Texts: Romans 9:6-13 Well, friends, things are about to get intense. We are in the front car of a roller coaster and we have just come to the top and are cresting a very high hill, about to plunge down. So hang on. We are jumping into the deep end of the doctrinal pool. […]
Walk Through the Bible: Psalms
Text for Sermon: Psalm 1:1-2; 16:11; 19:1-2; 27:1; 29:1; 95:1-3 We turn this evening to the second of the five Wisdom books, the writings, right in the center of the OT. The wisdom books are the heart of the OT. They don’t contain history or law or prophecy, they are not just about Israel but […]
Sorrow That Not all Israel Is Israel
Scripture Texts: Romans 9:1-6 Introduction. We are halfway through Paul’s great letter to the Christians in the church in Rome. We have gone through eight chapters of some of the highest and holiest deep truths of God. Paul has proclaiming as clearly as he can the Gospel of Jesus Christ that eternal salvation comes through […]
Walk Through the Bible: Job
Text for Sermon: Job 1:1; 2:3-6, 9-10; 13:15 January has been a rough month for me. Unlike any other month of my life. Three doctors’ office visits, one urgent care visit, ER and hospital overnight, a long sickness and then to top it all off, a kidney stone. In the midst of my pleading prayers […]