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Walk Through the Bible: Joshua
Text for Sermon: Joshua 1:5-9; 11:23 The five books of Moses, the Torah, all anticipate the fulfillment of God’s promise made to Abraham 500 years before in Genesis 15. Joshua is the story of God’s faithfulness to His covenant promise as He leads His people into the Promised Land. We can take God at His […]
Therefore Now No Condemnation
Scripture Texts: Romans 8:1-4 Remember when I said Romans 7 was one of the hardest chapters in the Bible to understand. Romans 8 is declared by many to be the greatest chapter in the Bible. Martin Lloyd-Jones said Romans is the greatest book in the Bible and chapter 8 is the greatest chapter in the […]
That You May Bear Fruits for God
Passage: Galatians 5:22-25; Romans 7:4 If you are a normal human being, at some point during the course of your life, however long or short that life may be, you have given some thought to that great existential question, does the fact of my existence on earth actually make any difference. Of course, you didn’t […]
Our Internal, Ongoing Battle with Sin
Passage: Romans 7:13-25 These verses give the reason I am not a golfer. All golfers know that what you want to do, you do not do, and what you do not want to do, that is the very thing you do. If you asked 100 biblical scholars to list the ten hardest to understand or […]
Walk Through the Bible: Deuteronomy
Passage: Deuternonomy 6:4-9; 10:12-20 As we move through the Bible one book at a time, one tree at a time in this forest of 66 trees, it is good to remind ourselves what we are reading. Scripture is one narrative, inspired by God and told in many parts. Old and New Testaments must, therefore, be […]
Walk Through the Bible: Numbers
Passage: Numbers 14:1-12 As you read through Numbers you may find yourself asking: “What’s with all this math!? What spiritual good is there in knowing there are 46,500 Reubenites? Who would have thought government census documents could be inspired by the Holy Spirit?” Before your eyes glaze over, it will help to have a bit […]